
"A Day with THALES" a great success

22 November 2017

young people and six teachers from three Sydney secondary schools were inspired
on Friday 17th August during their visit to Garden Island Naval Base
in Sydney. Staff from THALES Maritime Ship R...

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Careers with STEM: Jobs of the Future

15 October 2017

On Wednesday the 11th of October, over 50 students, educators and STEM supporters gathered together at the new Commonwealth Bank building in Haymarket to share a love and curiosity for STEM and its fu...

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What did you want to be when you grew up?

24 May 2017

What did you want to be when you grew up? As children we are filled with dreams and idealistic ambitions, we want to be astronauts or knights or flowers! We tell our children now to dream and explore,...

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ITF UK reaches 35,000 volunteers

30 March 2017

Our founding partners in the UK, the Education and Employers Taskforce, have celebrated another milestone this week, reaching 35,000 volunteers. "Since Inspiring the Future was launched in 2012 the pr...

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How did you turn out after school?

16 March 2017

Very few people have a ‘dream run’ at career success. For most, their story involves hard work, extra study, recognising and acting on opportunities and overcoming set-backs with resilience and persev...

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